Behold Your God Ministries

A. Our Vision: To see the Body of Messiah come to fullness as a Bride without “spot or wrinkle” (Ephesians 5:27), prepared for the Bridegroom, thus filling the whole earth with the glory of God (Numbers 14:21).

B. Five Priorities of Behold Your God Ministries:

  1. PRAYER: To assist congregations in growing their prayer ministries, equip believers in building a vibrant prayer-life, and participate in the current house of prayer movement,
    • Mark 11:17; Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Luke 18:7-8
  2. BIBLICAL UNITY: Strengthen congregational leaders in the challenges they face, and work to see congregations in regions come together for prayer and kingdom purposes.
    • Psalm 133; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 17:20-23
  3. LOVING GOD: See the Body of Messiah awakened to wholehearted love for the Son of God, by growing in the knowledge of God.
    • Ephesians 1:17; Colossians 1:10; Psalm 27:4; Matthew 22:37; Deuteronomy 6:4-5
  4. CHRISTIAN MATURITY: Help believers to know the ways of God the Father, as He works to conform us to the image of His Son.
    • Romans 8:29; Colossians 1:28
  5. PERSEVERENCE TO THE END: Pursue God’s heart for Israel, with an understanding of Israel’s “irrevocable calling”, and the role of the Body of Messiah, in God’s end-time purposes to establish His kingdom on the earth and restore all things.
    • Acts 3:19-21; Ephesians 1:9-10; Matthew 6:10; Romans 11; Revelation 14:12

C. Our Mission: To serve the LORD, and the Body of Messiah, by giving ourselves to prayer, fasting, equipping the saints, and the teaching/preaching of the Word until we see the vision fulfilled and the return of Yeshua for His Bride.

D. Our Commission from the LORD, as “Behold Your God Ministries,” is from Isaiah 40:9 – You who bring good tidings, lift up your voice with strength, lift it up, be not afraid; Say to the cities of Judah, “Behold your God!” We seek to help Israel and the nations “behold” Yeshua as the promised Messiah, the “Coming One” (Matthew 11:2), by showing from the (Hebrew) Scriptures that Yeshua is the Messiah (Acts 18:28), and that:

  1. Messiah died for our sins according to the (Hebrew) Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures – 1 Corinthians 15:3-4;
  2. Messiah is the goal (telos: goal, completion, aim, purpose, outcome, consummation) of the Torah (instruction) unto righteousness to everyone who believes (that Yeshua is the Messiah) – Romans 10:4 literally, from the Greek;
  3. The Feasts of the LORD (Leviticus 23) prophetically foreshadow the redemption of the created order and the restoration of all things – Acts 3:21; Mark 9:12; 1 John 3:8b.


Called to pastor the Hampden Mennonite Church in 1979, Ken and Betty sold their home in Lancaster County and moved to Reading, PA in 1982. Here they raised their five children while pastoring the congregation. In addition to pastoring, Ken gave oversight to a number of churches in the denomination for several years.

In 2000, after credentialing their successors, Ken and Betty were commissioned out of local church leadership to serve an emerging regional network of churches that was connecting relationally across denominational lines. Ken now walks with numerous other pastors and leaders in the region who have a desire to see the Body of Messiah come together for kingdom purposes. As part of the regional vision, Ken also helped establish and direct the Reading House of Prayer (RHOP).

Ken and Betty then established Behold Your God Ministries in 2008, and now preach, teach and equip throughout the region in the arenas of corporate prayer, Biblical unity, knowing God, Christian maturity, and the coming kingdom, etc. (see the “Five Priorities of BYGM”).

Ken and Betty continue to serve the body of Messiah in the Reading region and beyond in numerous ways: Monthly pastors’ prayer meetings, RHOP prayer room, periodic regional kingdom initiatives, teaching and preaching as doors open, writing, etc.